On the Karawari River, an offshoot of the Sepik, an aid worker was desperately working to save the lives of Anna and Lisma, 11-month-old twins from Kundiman. For over a week, their tiny bodies suffered from frequent diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, leaving them weak and in desperate need of medical attention. After caring for the girls for a few days without any improvement, the aid worker reached out to us for help.
Children, especially young ones like these, have little margin for fluid loss before the situation becomes dire. This is one of the reasons that requests to help children are a top priority for our emergency flights. This flight had not just one sick baby but two.

Chief Pilot Luke Hamer and Medical Director Chris Cooke landed on a small stretch of the winding Karawari River where we were greeted by worried parents and a very relieved health worker. Both girls were quite sick, so we quickly loaded the young family into the plane and took off back to Wewak, praying we had arrived in time.
Over the following week, we had many opportunities to visit with them and their family, taking time to pray alongside their mom and dad for a full recovery and sharing the hope we have because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. With the efforts of the excellent doctors and nurses at Boram Hospital’s pediatric ward, the twins slowly regained their strength and were able to be weaned from their intravenous therapy and medications. We are so thankful to report that after making a full recovery, this dynamic duo has now made it back home to their village!