In early February 2017 we were approached by the Community Health Worker in Singarim village asking if we could assist them with medicine delivery to his village. This village is in the part of the river known as the Black water area. This is very remote place near the mountains with miles of shallow lakes and winding small rivers, which feed into the large Sepik River. We had never landed at this village before so after identifying it from the air with the help of Melckaim the CHW we landed on the lake and taxied up to the many canoes packed full of smiling facws who were awaiting our arrival. After a speech by the village leader and by Samaritan President Mark Palm our pilot candidate Tracy Hamer unloaded the much-needed medical supplies with the villagers all crowding around to get a closer look at the Saman Balus (floatplane). We are excited to continue to open new areas of operation as we work to serve the East Sepik River areas with much needed service.
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