I grew up in Westwood, a small (1,300) town in northern California, went to college at Biola University (Los Angeles), and worked for 5 years in San Luis Obispo (SLO). Both my parents are dedicated Christians and raised my five siblings and I in the church; they have been instrumental in my growth towards Christ and others. I was introduced to mission trips in 2012 when I went to Costa Rica, and since then I have known that my life would be used to serve and support others. Two weeks after telling a friend, “I’d never live in Arizona,” I received a phone call from Brian (the COO) about a job involving finance, missions, and planes — but I’d have to relocate to Phoenix. The next month was a struggle between going and staying in beautiful SLO; after many conversations with counselors, mentors, family, and friends, it became apparent that I wanted the job but was holding back because “it’s in Phoenix.” I am happy to report that I took the plunge, and I am now happily in Phoenix and enjoying my time; I am so excited to be a part of Samaritan Aviation and to see how God impacts the lives of those in Papua New Guinea on a daily basis.
Young Boy Survives Crocodile Attack
…The skies were clear on a Sunday when we received a call requesting a lifesaving transport for a crocodile attack