Luke and Tracy Hamer first arrived in Papua New Guinea in November of 2017. They are both experienced floatplane pilots and mechanics from Alaska. Luke and Tracy graduated from Liberty University; Tracy with a BS in Commercial Aeronautics and A&P Certificate, and Luke with a BS in Missions Aviation and A&P Certificate. Luke also serves as Samaritan Aviation’s Chief Pilot. Luke and Tracy have two daughters, Lorelai and Emory.
We are grateful to have these two helping to fly our floatplanes!
We are thankful for your gifts and your partnership in sharing the gospel to the people of Papua New Guinea. Thank you for you support!
- Credit Card or EFT/eCheck donation: Simply click the Donate button and fill out the information.
- Mail a check: Please make the check out to Samaritan Aviation. On a separate piece of paper, note that the check is with preference of the Hamers. Please mail the check to:
Samaritan Aviation
PO Box 20697
Mesa, AZ 85277
If you need help: call the Samaritan Aviation office at (480) 581-1940 or email [email protected]
All gifts to Samaritan Aviation with preference to missionaries and projects are tax-deductible. As required by the IRS, gifts should be given with the understanding that they are under the full discretion and control of Samaritan Aviation.