People flock to Oshkosh from all over the world to see the latest and greatest in aviation innovation and design… and the Opener Blackfly definitely gets attention!

It looks like it ate a DC-9… but the Super Guppy is an unconventional hard-working airplane… that dropped in to Oshkosh to show one and all a different side of the aviation workforce. Over the years, the ANN crew, especially Jim Campbell, has flown just about everything this company has built… and approves. Now, with new direction, the Murphy gang is back on the job. The display included a few of the Murphy Moose generation… one attached to a PT-6! uAvionix’s Brit Wanick warned us a few weeks back that hey were prepping some serious new addition to a constantly evolving product line… and he wasn’t fibbing… There are great folks out there who use aviation to perform missions all over the world to serve others… Samaritan Aviation has just added a new aircraft to support THEIR important work. You had to be here… Oshkosh has been throwing night airshows gffor a while now and they’ve gotten pretty good at it… Part Four of our annual sit-down with Jack Pelton delves into what’s happening with the FAA. All this — and MORE in today’s episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

Airborne 07.27.23 is chock full of info in this Daily News Episode, Thursday, July 27th, 2023… Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Holland Lee. Holland is supported by ANN Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, as well as ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell. This episode covers:
- Let’s Check Out Opener’s Blackfly… Another Unique Airframe
- The Good, the Bad and the Super Guppy
- Murphy Aircraft is Back in Force
- A Big uAvionix Update
- Samaritan Aviation Adds Yet Another Workhorse to Their Mission
- Oshkosh Throws A Night Airshow Like No Others Can
- Part Four Of Our Annual Sit-Down With Jack Pelton